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Diplomazia Scietifica

L’unita’ di nano ricerca del dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare dell’Arabian Gulf University ha ospitato la professoressa in visita Valeria Pittalà dell’Universita’ di Catania. Ecco la traduzione in inglese dell’articolo pubblicato su AlAyam:

The nano research unit of Molecular Medicine department at the Arabian Gulf University hosted the visiting professor Valeria Pittalà. Prof Pittala works at the Department of Drug and Health Science, University of Catania, Italy. Dr. Valeria Pittalà, holds seven patents in the field of oncology and around 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals. During her visit, she presented the outcome of her long experience in the discovery of novel antitumoral drugs in three seminars for the CMMS staff, PhD and master’s degree students, respectively. She reviewed the stages of drug discovery based on chemical manipulation and successful formulation of an active principle to obtain more effective and more suitable drugs for the treatment of selective types of cancers, including triple negative breast cancer.
The collaboration comes as a result of matching research interest and complementary expertise with prof. Khaled Greish, professor at the Department of molecular medicine of Arabian Gulf University. Prof Greish had three patents in the field of anticancer research and possesses an outstanding background in the nanoformulations of bioactive compounds. The successful and well-stablished cooperation between the University of Catania and Arabian Gulf University with prof. Greish, lead to the publication within a few years of around 10 joint publications in prestigious peer-reviewed journals and is still actively continuing.
Ongoing joint research projects are now expanding to other AGU and Italian colleagues including Dr. Noureddine Ben Khalaf and Prof. Dahmani in the development of new antileishmanial treatments, as well as Prof Khalid Bindayna’s group in the department of microbiology, and Prof Raouf Fadel group in the department of anatomy.
In a meeting between the Italian ambassador Paola Amadei with Prof Pittala, the Ambassador commended this collaboration between the 2 universities, and expressed the wish to further extend of the bilateral cooperation between Bahrain and Italy at the scientific level. Furthermore, the Italian Ambassador encouraged exploring further opportunities for the establishment of joint research projects, and seize the potential opportunities.